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We have a soft spot for talent. Nurturing top talent feeds the industry and collaboration drives innovation. Since its inception, HTNK has lived this philosophy, as an incubator, initiator and partner in a range of educational and cultural projects. Diversity and inclusion are in the DNA of HTNK.

Our services range from strategic partnerships, initiating platforms for talent, consultancy, coaching and workshops, to connecting talent to the industry.


Until Lichting, there was nothing in place to bridge the gap between academies & their students and the talent-hungry fashion industry.

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Jean School Amsterdam, the first of its kind, was established by House of Denim, HTNK and ROCvA in 2012 as a full-time three-year education in the supply chain of denim.

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Amsterdam-based Master Tailor Institute is a foundation dedicated to re-establishing quality tailoring to the Netherlands by means of a three-year, full-time education program that trains students to become master tailors.

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